Ranking Grade Lists

This will look very different soon, but for now I just moved the Post about this here.

This is simply my Master List for all Audio Rankings.

Disclaimer: The grades listed are not my personal preference but how they preform compared to the standards I have set for testing headphones. Some people like myself may not like headphones with higher grades than others, to an extent. I'll have more info below about when this does apply.
  • MSRP: Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price
  • LCRP: LifelongCaboose Recommended Price
  • Tonal Grade: Tonal grade is the Ranking of the Headphones Tonal Balance, not how closely it matched 1 set target. I use multiple targets and some headphones can be balanced without matching a target I use. A better tonal balance also means a better base line to EQ from.
  • Technical Grade: The overall grade for the technical more subjective stuff. Things like overall detail, dynamics, speed, staging, separation and so much more. More notes will be added if a headphones grade is being held up or down by something.
  • Sound Signatures: This is just the quick description of the tuning of the headphone.
  • Strike Through: If the name of a product its crossed out, that means I DON'T RECOMMEND IT. But there may still be a LCRP and if it drops that low its a decent buy sound wise but other issues may make it not a good value overall, check the notes. The price will also most likely be fairly unrealistic. Also these most likly wont have Sound Styles listed.
  • Links: Most links will be either to Amazon USA or the main seller of the product. Drop LINKS are affiliate links. Any other affiliate links will be stated here.
  • Acquired From: An important thing to note, if it says it was a sample sent to me by a company that will be listed first. Even if I have bought one or had one on loan before. If I at any point get a sample I will change it to reflect this. Example Drop sent me a PC38x after I had one on order, so I ended up with 2.
Sound Styles
Sound Styles are just my way of sectioning Audio Products for Gaming Use. This is my term so use outside of the context here isn't recommended as people wont know what you're talking about.
  • Competitive FPS: A focus on imaging and accuracy, usually bright treble and rolled off bass. This is for people who play fps to win.
  • Warm FPS: I'm tweaking what WARM FPS is. It will not be slightly different. Its headphones that can be used for COMP FPS but may have too much low-end to be truly perfect for COMP FPS.
  • Music FPS: Headphones that meet the criteria of the Sound Quality category first but can still offer decent competitive fps performance.
  • Fun Gaming: A focus on wide soundstages and usually a V-shaped sound. This is for people who play FPS just for fun or for an extra immersive experience.
  • Music Gaming: This is for people whose main focus is Sound Quality and who want something with good tonal balance. This will work for Music and any sort wants non-fps gaming (it will work for FPS gaming just won't focus on it). Many here will also be found on the FPS guides. In general, if you're not into COMP FPS this is the guide id recommend using. they can be just as immersive as FUN FPS options but don't have to sacrifice tonality.
  • All-In-One: This is simply any headphone that can be used with a approved Cable Replacement mic, or is a headset. Do not any headphone can be an all-in-one if you use a Mod-Mic.
  • Music: Tonal Balance First and Sound Quality, mainly for music so staging won't be prioritized as much.
Sound Signatures 
For Sound Signatures max a headphone will get is 2-3 of these describing it.
  • Bass Rolled (BR): Bass is rolled off below 80hz or less.
  • Extreme BR (EBR): It means the Bass is rolled off above 80hz.
  • V-Shaped: Elevated Bass, reduced mids, Elevated Treble.
  • U-Shaped: Elevated Bass, Elevated Treble.
  • W-Shaped: Elevated Bass, Elevated mids, Elevated Treble.
  • Warm: Elevation in the mid bass to low mids.
  • Dark: Reduced Treble.
  • Bright: Elevated Treble
  • Neutral: I use my own neutral target, kind of Harman 2018 with no bass shelf.
  • Harman 2018: Harmans current V-Shaped target.
  • Harman Combined: Harman with a smaller bass shelf.
  • Lite: Just used in front of any of the above SS to meaning a milder version.
  • Mid-Forward: Elevated Mids.
  • Diffused Field: Neutral but with a lower shelf below 600hz and more upper mids.