EDIT: Sorry to everyone for not being able to find many other good deals. For the area of products I focus on it was pretty disappointing.
Just getting this up and posted now and I'll have some reddit threads linked. This way you can comment deals you find and if I think there good I'll comment on them and add them here.
I'll be mostly focusing on Audio as I hear that this year should be decent for headphone deals in the USA so I hope in Canada it is as well. Also because audio is what i focus on, but if I see a random good deal like a blender I will include it. When commenting a deal please post a link and which country it is in. Canada will be my primary focus but if you see a killer amazon deal somewhere else I'll add it also.
I will be using a google sheets link so it takes a couple minutes to update after data is added. Different tabs will be for different deals. The Sheet link will go live on Prime Day.
I will also have the Drop USA deals added here and in a separate post for people just interest in that. I was lucky enough to be told about the sale a couple days early so I could prep something for all of you. Some really hot deals there.
Deals wont just be limited to Amazon, But the main focus is on Canada.
- Street Price = The Average price it goes for.
- Sale Price = The Sale Price it's on for.
- LLCRP = The Price I normally recommend this product at.
- 🔥 = Good Deal (if you miss it oh well)
- 🔥🔥 = Great Deal (maybe don't miss it)
- 🔥🔥🔥 = Fantastic Deal (Don't miss this)